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Every one needs a coach, a validator and a motivator, and who else can be a coach but our own self, I can only guide you to be your own coach in life.


Motivation is the Key to bring life in any object and motivation with belief is the key to salvation, this is my belif and my art of life. .


Public speaking is one of the basic trade required in society and enhancing the life of million with words is the moto of my life.


Aviraj Ashok Jain

Write Motivator Orator

Aviraj Ashok Jain is an India Born individual born in the capital ”Bhopal” of heart of India “Madhya-Pradesh” and as the same reflect he is living with his heart, Since his childhood Aviraj Ashok Jain has being in touch with almost all the religion present in his region of growing right from the heart, the reason can be his Parental connections, his own friend circle, or as he says that it was destined, but again he says that each and every individual is capable of creating his own destiny, and then also it has to be destined that the particular individual will do so. He say this very strongly many time in a day “You never Know what a Tide has to bring unless you are on the wave”.

Since his childhood he had intuitions but he did not take them into account initially because he could not understand the meaning and essence of some at that point of time, and some because of sheer negligence that was there because he was afraid, and he admits the same now with open heart, and as the times grows the intuitions also grew with higher amount of intensity there was a huge unrest in his life both in personal and professional till the day came where his worst fear came in front of him and he had no choice but to deal with it, and the same have produced a newer Aviraj Ashok Jain and now when he understands the meaning of his intuitions he revels the secret and the same “Breath in your Fears” he says that this is the only way he could understand his intuitions and the higher essence of them, and what may seems like a challenge initially turns into something miraculously needed and prolonged for since long, through this is the only key he could mold his life on the road of Green and Solitude, and he is molding the life of many now.

Interaction Books Appointment

My skills




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Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse varius, erat in cursus fringilla, sapien lorem rhoncus elit, eu accumsan nisi ipsum quis ipsum.


Maecenas ac justo imperdiet tellus semper consequat. Nulla est lectus, lobortis vel tincidunt in, posuere ac leo.


Curabitur in congue massa. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae

Game Design

Sed velit urna, sagittis at metus ac, vehicula commodo dui. Praesent commodo varius egestas. Vestibulum aliquet tristique finibus. Nulla facilisi. Donec quis elit at nisi pharetra mattis.


Quisque auctor, magna suscipit dignissim vestibulum, nulla dolor tristique quam, ac viverra nunc purus suscipit tortor. Etiam vel hendrerit libero.

My Books

Power of Wounds


 :
Power of Wounds
Wake Arise from Ashes

This writing is in evolution and should be available for reading in the month of June 16. The book is based on personal experience of aviraj ashok jain through many perspective, and his own, how to heal and at the same time keep up with the world so that we do not lag behind in our personal and professional life.

Learning of my life


Learning of my life
Learning never ends until you reach your grave

This writing is a continuous process and the first chapter should be available by the end of 2016.


These are the essence of my life, which I write daily, this is the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning, evening before thanking God for a new day, sometimes I feel that rather I know just before I am about to be awake I get these thoughts in my visions and many a time there is my Guru, My gardening angle my ISHWAR, ALAHA, GOD, MY BABA with me quoting the same.

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Aviraj Ashok Jain

Quotes #Aviraj Ashok Jain

Aviraj Ashok Jain

Quotes #Aviraj Ashok Jain

Aviraj Ashok Jain

Quotes #Aviraj Ashok Jain

Aviraj Ashok Jain

Quotes #Aviraj Ashok Jain

Aviraj Ashok Jain

Quotes #Aviraj Ashok Jain

Aviraj Ashok Jain

Quotes #Aviraj Ashok Jain

Aviraj Ashok Jain

Quotes #Aviraj Ashok Jain

Aviraj Ashok Jain

Quotes #Aviraj Ashok Jain

My Connect

I will be happy to connect with you and if possible try to help you, guide you and show you the path that I am on which has given me peace and brighten my life”.


Fixing an appointment is very necessary to get something and the same goes hear as well. Peace, harmony and self relaxation is just waiting for an appointment.

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